Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dancing Westward

The blog is getting a new look and and new location! Click here to go to the new page: DANCING WESTWARD.

I'll be posting all new photos and stories on the above blog. I'll leave this current blog up in case you get a hankering to stroll down memory lane though!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shame on me!

Well well well, it's been almost 5 months since I last posted?!?! Wow how time flies... I've been busy with a lot of challenging "life changes" as many of you know, but believe me the fun adventures have not stopped! Here is a brief re-cap of the major events in my life over the last 5 months:

- Brought our friend Tressa from FL cross country to live with us.
-Moved from Stevenson, WA to Oregon City, OR.
-Ash and I transitioned our relationship from partners to friends/roommates.
-Met a wonderful gal named Casey (next to me in the photo in the last post) and as of now we have been together for a little over 5 months.
-Been hiking and exploring all around oregon.
- I turned 27.
-Enrolled in Clackamas Community College, Starting classes in January.

Even though I had a lapse in blogging, I haven't stopped taking photos. There are a few hundred new ones I have to share with y'all. I know you've been knawing at the bit in anticipation for some new reading material hehe so I'll be doing a series of separate blog posts to go with each set of photos.

I'm glad to be back and I promise to keep the new posts coming in more regularly!
