I think stuff like this can give you a sense of the fact that Portland is most certainly not your average city.
Everywhere you look in Portland you see contrasts and contradictions Old European style architecture juxtaposed by modern glass and steel. Staunch looking business folks waiting in line next to punks and street musicians to get some food from a Vietnamese food cart. Industrial factories next to hemp shops and green parklike spaces. Suvs and expensive sports cars next to rows and rows of bicycles. You would think its a city with an identity crisis, and perhaps it is, but the people here seem to like it that way, everywhere you go you see buildings and bumper stickers that say "Keep Portland Weird".
It's a pedestrian city, everyone seems to walk everywhere, like I remember NYC being. You could choose to drive but good luck, the streets are narrow and you will be fighting for space with bike lanes, cross walks, MAX lines and bus stops. The city was designed with people not vehicles in mind. Honestly walking is the best way to get around because you get to experience the sights, sounds and smells of the city. There is usually always music to be heard from guys drumming on buckets to girls strumming their guitars to trumpeters and harmonica players. And the smells are really something to behold. Portland is a foodie's dream locale, Every 20 feet or so and the smell of food changes.. think of walking around the fair grounds...your nose is just bombarded by yummy aromas. Unfortunately I cannot convey smells through this blog but I can show you the pics:
Portland in a Jiffy- CLICK HERE FOR PICS
After walking around and getting lost in Powell's books (check out the photos), I went and met Ash. We walked down to Voodoo Doughnuts and got two of their signature menu items. Its a place you must see at least once if you decide to come to Portland, and to give you a sneak peek check out their menu CLICK HERE (not for children or the easily offended).
When we finished eating our sugar coma sticks we went and picked up the bunny who did very well in her surgery, then went home.
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