Snow has fallen once again. I can honestly say that now that I have seen snow I can't imagine a winter without it. It is in fact the most wonderful time of year because we are heading into spring soon. The snow has been fun, but I can't wait for the other seasons too! Over the last few days we have gotten almost 20 inches. Most of it melts during the day and you really only see snow at night. Kris and I are night owls however so it's been a playground for us. We took some pictures of things covered in snow. I have learned that there are different types of snow. I will explain the types I like the least first:
1. Slush. This is some snow mixed with water. It's like winter's version of mud. You can't do anything with this type of snow and driving on it is the most dangerous. It's like driving on a slip and slide. The slightest variation in driving speed or angle of the car will cause you to slide. Death will likely occur.
2. Packed Ice. Snowboarders called this Crust. This is basically very wet sleet in freezing temperatures. The ground is frozen, water puddles are frozen, and the snow forms in one solid pack over the surface of the ground. The type of snow is only good for sledding and other light winter recreation if you happen to find a hill steep enough. It is also dangerous to drive on because the car will break off chunks of this packed snow while you are driving and cause trouble. Death will likely occur.
3. Crud. This is a mixture of the good stuff: powder. . .I will explain that in a minute, and the not so good stuff. When you have just above freezing temperatures and traffic, of any kind, this type of snow occurs. Parts of the snow are compacted when you walk and drive on it and parts of the snow are raised due to the pressure from said traffic. The raised snow is similar to sno-cone ice in texture and the compacted snow is more like wet compacted sand. As a result of it's properties the terrain of this snow is very uneven. This type of snow is excellent for challenging snowboarding, sweet sledding jumps and light snowballing. Driving on it is fine. You will keep your traction as long as you don't speed, otherwise death will likely occur.
4. Powder. This is the best type of snow in my opinion. This is the snow that has just fallen delicately onto the ground. Each individual snow crystal holds an angel's kiss as it floats across the landscape searching for just the right spot to land. Each snow-flake is uniquely designed by a master magician who then, with the care of a nurturing mother, sends the snow-flakes down to earth where they rest gently and subtly one on top of the other until a layer of air forms. This type of snow is anti-gravity. It's perfect for any winter recreation and is the most ideal snow for snowmen or snowballing. It's pretty neutral in temperature, so even if you don't have gloves you can still participate in a spontaneous flash mob snowballing. If you go an entire winter without experiencing this miracle of physics and chemistry. . .death will likely occur.
So that's my take on snow. I am sure Kris will post pictures of all the happenings soon. We have been doing a lot of things with snow: like trying to sled down the hill in front of the courthouse in the middle of the night. I say try because we weren't that successful, but it was fun. This winter has brought out the child in both of us. The sense of play has enriched and deepened our bond with one another. The light-hearted approach to life in our small, sleepy town has made the days fly by. Winter is now going to be over soon and I am sad to see it go, but I am excited for what spring will teach us.
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