Monday, March 7, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

The pics that Kris posted below don't make the true visual impact that was present. On one side of the gorge it was hazy and grey and on the other side complete sunshine. In the middle of the 2 climates was this beautiful rainbow. It started above the clouds and stretched all the way down to the Columbia River with it's defined color strands like fingers caressing the water. It was was bright and bold. Unfortunately I wasn't able to stop and take pictures when the angle and light were best, but I did what I could. This was a rare occasion. Kris had forgotten to take the camera out of the car. I drove into Rooster State Park to get those pictures and I was surprised that I was not the only one. There were several other people there, most professional photographers, trying to capture this beautiful, fleeting image in permanent ink. It was a good omen. The official start of spring is March 20th. For a week before that rainbow it had been rainy and cold. Out of nowhere, we were given one glorious day that was as close to perfection as you could ask and the pièces de résistance was the rainbow on the river. I wish you all could have been there to see it. I know we will see more rainbows, but this one was the most important for me. Of all the rainbows I have seen before, all the ones I past on the freeway with a slight glance and a small smile this one left me speechless. This one was irresistible. So irresistible in fact that to get these pictures I stopped twice.

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