Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Yard Evolves

It seems like every time I look at the yard around the house there is something new in the way of plant life. Especially now that Spring is coaxing flowers of many colors out into the sunshine. Here's some pics I took today while I was out tending the veggie garden:

Wild flowers in the grass.. Yellow is dandelion, Purple is wild grape hyacinth:


 Japanese Magnolia tree:

These flowers look suspiciously like those from a peach tree, but since they are growing on a shrub they could be a variety of rhododendron maybe:

I believe this to be a type of geranium but I'm not certain:

This small tree has red wispy flower type appendages.. I have no clue what it is:

These plants are growing in an area behind the shed, they look like they may have been intentionally planted due to their grouping but I haven't a clue what they are either, they look like a veggie crop of some sort.. more research is in order:

I'm sure the next time I turn around there will be more exciting things to see and report. I'll try to keep on top of it!


  1. So that's what that is!! There was a Japanese magnolia tree at the base where I lived in TN the bloomed in the spring and I could never figure out what it was. It has a wonderful fragrance and is very photogenic - I have some photos from the 2006 bloom. <3

  2. The last one... maybe rhubarb? If it is, don't eat the leaves! Petioles only!
