A sunny spring day means so much more now than I ever knew it could. I can feel and truly appreciate the radiant warmth of the sun on my back as I muck about in the garden. I have both doors open on the house now and the sweet smelling breeze is coming through bringing a little of that beautiful outdoors in. I was communing with the earthworms earlier today... we have so many in the veggie garden, no matter what spot you turn up you find them. While weeding the veg patch I realized the tomato cages I had put over the pea plants weren't gonna do so I walked to the hardware store and got some bamboo stakes and built pea trellises. Ash bought me some seedling plants to put in the garden (squash, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, & romaine lettuce) and now I'm out of space! I had to dig up one of the planter beds beside the house to have room for the squash.
I started eyeballing other parts of the yard to dig up to house any other veg that we start inside. While surveying possible new garden locations I checked on the lettuce boxes. I'm coming to the realization that I put them outside too early in the season. One box didn't make it. I'm guessing the cold got it. The other box is doing swell though! In case you are wondering why I've no photos of the garden yet, it's because I've been saving them up to make a little movie/ slide presentation. I want to be able to show the growth progress all the way to harvest, so stay tuned for that.
A small victory that I will share as far as the garden is concerned, a sneak peek of sorts... we unintentionally grew some green onion!! I saw it popping up sporadically in the veg patch but I let it be, figured it wouldn't hurt anything, and today I felt it was large enough to take so into the house it went, and will be included in tonight's dinner:
Here's some other pics I snapped while out in the yard today:
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